Janet Cash: Principal
Janet Cash headshot

Janet Cash began her role as the First Branch Unified District principal in July of 2022 and is grateful for all the community support during her first year. Janet lives with her partner, daughter, and two dogs. When Janet is not preparing for the upcoming year at First Branch Schools, she and her family enjoy swimming, skiing, hiking, and the arts. You can reach Janet at jcash@wrvsu.org.

Dan Rivers: Associate Principal
Headshot of a smiling man, outside.

Dan Rivers began as Associate Principal on July 1st, 2023. Mr. Rivers served as an elementary and middle school special educator at Tunbridge Central School from 2015 to 2018. Born and raised in Vermont, Mr. Rivers comes from a family with seven generations of history in the state. When not immersed in his professional duties, Mr. Rivers is an outdoor enthusiast who enjoys trail running and appreciating the beauty of nature. Dan Rivers can be contacted at drivers@wrvsu.org.